Lyre's Aperitif Rosso 700ml

Lyre's Aperitif Rosso 700ml

This unique spirit has been impossibly crafted to capture the essence of an aromatic vermouth Rosso with flavours that are distinct and contemporary. Lyre's spirits don't just mimic, they have their own distinction as a premium, non-alcoholic beverage.
To Taste: Rich mouthful of flavours follows the bouquet with blood orange and vanilla taking the lead. Caramel, citrus pith and cacoa brings balance, adding to the mouth coating mid-palate.
How To Enjoy: Add premium tonic water to Lyre’s Italian Orange and Lyre’s Aperitif Rosso and you have a delicious Americano. If you’re out to impress, stir over ice with Lyre’s American Malt and a dash of bitters for a delicious Lyre’s Manhattan.
Brand Lyre's
Country Australia
Region Victoria
Varietal Alcohol Free Spirits
Style Non Alcoholic Spirit