Horse & Cart Series Shiraz Cabernet 750ml

Horse & Cart Series Shiraz Cabernet 750ml

A famous Australian blend that deserves prominent place on the table between family and friends. The pairing of Shiraz Cabernet produces one of the great Australian contributions to the international world of wine. Shiraz offers a mid-palate with big fruit while Cabernet characteristics of big nose and palate add length and structure. The Horse & Cart Series is a tribute to Giovanni Amadio, first generation winemaker in the Amadio family. He would visit the Adelaide markets by horse and cart to deliver his fresh locally grown produce from Felixstow, South Australia. Danniel Amadio was inspired by his Nonno to create a range that reflected his unique and bold personality. See more from our Horse & Cart Series here. “Deep inky colour, elegant bouquet of plums, red berries + a hint of vanillin oak, rich, smooth very tasty palate well-integrated, with a grippy lingering finish. A grand food wine.” – Dan Traucki, Wine Writer.

Brand Horse & Cart Series
Country Australia
Region Adelaide Hills
Varietal Shiraz Blend
Style Shiraz & Cabernet Blends